Have you ever thought about just how great pockets are? I mean really, really thought about it. They are for sure one of the best inventions ever. You can put money in them, you can put your keys in them....if you have cargo pants you have like 4 extra pockets you can put your phone in there or if you are 10 you can put bugs and rocks in there. Often you forget what is in there...then later you rummage around in your pocket and you're like whoa...I forgot I put a ponytail holder and a nickel in there! If you are a stay-at-home parent like me, you end up with pretty full pockets by the end of the day...I pick stuff up all day and throw it in my pockets. This is why I do not wear cargo shorts. Ok it's only one small reason I don't wear cargo shorts but its a pretty good one.
Here are things with pockets...click the images to be whisked away to etsy where you can buy these fab things!
Let's get shameless self promo out of the way first, K? These are wedding invitations I make that have a little pocket on the front for a "Save The Date" Card or for a little tag with directions etc.
Now here is my very favorite pocketed thing I recently discovered on etsy. It is genius I tell ya! Apiecebydenise on etsy sells this...
This is just super fun. So many aprons on etsy but this one stood out to me. Maybe its because I am a recent vegetarian convert and I'd like to think my salad is just this saucy...snapshop on etsy sells this cutie....
Now for gawds sake....don't forget about your pockets....no one likes finding that ink pen in the washing machine!